Marketing comes in many forms, and one of the most effective is old-fashioned personal contact. I'm always surprised by the lasting impressions that handshakes and brief conversations can have on consumers. That's why it's vital for a business to be a regular presence at all kinds of events. Pressing the flesh increases the bottom line.

To make sure you stand out in people's minds after an event, you could give them a little something with your company's name and logo on it. High-quality custom pens make terrific handouts since people will keep using them and thus keep being reminded of your organization. Plus, many folks share their writing implements with others. Yes, a ballpoint can really make a point.

Maybe your company, school, college, church or religious group has staff members who especially enjoy networking and meeting customers. What kind of events would be the most worthwhile for them? Below are some examples to get your team started.


Whatever industry you're a part of, it's almost certain that there are annual conferences, trade shows, lectures and other professional events that you could attend. Such occasions provide inspiration and motivation, and they let you share tips and ideas with other experts. I've definitely learned a great deal about my profession from these kinds of gatherings over the years. You might even meet company leaders who'd like to collaborate with you on mutually beneficial projects.

In addition, your company might offer a certain product or service that many other brands don't. In that case, the people you connect with at industry events could start buying that item from you or recommending you to customers who are seeking it.



When you sponsor or otherwise participate in a community event, you build lots of goodwill among local residents. And, if you run a small business, those personal connections may give you an edge among your larger competitors in the area.

You might also encounter influential people ― politicians, other corporate leaders and so on ― who could purchase your products en masse. For instance, imagine that you run a bakery, and you talk to a high school principal at an event. Well, the next time the school needs to buy baked treats for a teachers' conference or a student awards ceremony, that principal just might give you a call.

There are many types of community events, including music festivals, marathons, car shows, carnivals, concerts, street fairs, fireworks displays and, one of my favorites, hometown parades

If booths are available, be sure to buy one if you can afford it. Have a sign-up sheet at your booth; you can use it to collect email addresses and other valuable pieces of data. What's more, you might want to spread your beautiful promotional pens across your table.



Maybe you'd like to organize events for people who live in the region. You might host a gathering at your business headquarters, or you could rent space. Such an event doesn't have to cost all that much, and it can be an unparalleled opportunity to promote your brand. You can plaster your name and logo all over the venue, and those who have a good time are likely to become customers or recommend you to people they know.

Creating your own function can be a true bonding experience for you and your staff members. You can get to know one another better as you spend time after work planning the event.

Exciting choices abound. You could have a barbecue or a family picnic, one that's complete with clowns and games like tug-of-war. Other options include a pizza party, a costume party or a fancy gala at a restaurant or function hall.

You might decide to host an event that benefits a favorite charity. Food drives, car washes and silent auctions are just three kinds of functions that collect resources for worthy groups. A great thing about having such a get-together is that it accomplishes more than one goal. You get to help people in need, all of your participants can rightly feel proud of themselves, and you'll boost your company's reputation. Indeed, I love going to these sorts of affairs. Everyone at them always seems so happy.

When you're planning an event, make sure you know what demographics you're targeting and what kinds of food and entertainment your guests would be most likely to appreciate. If you start with a clear vision for your happening, it's easier to make all of the small decisions regarding logistics, decorations, music, door prizes and such. You might even want to invite a few other companies to help you prepare, execute and pay for this gathering.

Whether you're running your own event or you're a guest at someone else's, keep your eye out the entire time for people you can approach and introduce yourself to. Smile broadly, and keep making eye contact during those exchanges. Above all, have a trusty personalized pen close by at all times, ready to slide into someone's hand.